City of Ariel

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Open letter: Mayor Ron Nachman to Secretary of State Clinton

In International, Letters on June 29, 2011 at 10:50 am

ARIEL, ISRAEL – June 29, 2011 –

The following is a letter that Mayor Ron Nachman issued to Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel and the Consul General in Jerusalem.

Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton  U.S. Secretary of State

Mr. James B. Cunningham  U.S. Ambassador to Israel

Mr. Daniel Rubinstein   Consul General

Dear all,

I appreciate your invitation to Mr. Daniel Rubinstein’s reception honoring the 235th anniversary of the United States of America which will take place on June 29, 2011.

When I was a Member of Israel’s 13th Knesset I received invitations to celebrate America’s Independence Day at the home of the Ambassador to Israel in Herziliya. Since being a Member of Knesset, however, I receive invitations from the Consul General but not from the Ambassador.

Although my family has been in Israel for four generations it seems that I’ve been deemed a second class Israeli citizen, due to my role as a mayor in Samaria.

I assure you that I have great respect for and warm sentiments towards the United States of America. And yet, this approach is insulting. I would like to suggest that you cease distinguishing between Israelis, as the current policy does not compliment you and serves only to harm us.


Ron Nachman

Mayor of Ariel